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Workers on river shipyards face many injury hazards

On Behalf of | Oct 2, 2020 | Maritime Injuries

Skilled professionals who work on a river-based shipyard may be at risk of many hazards. Tasks such as welding, electrical work and chemical cleanups come with the potential for accidents. When working at a Kentucky river shipyard, workers must take care to avoid injury, and employers have a responsibility to keep workers safe from avoidable hazards. Unfortunately, mishaps may occur, leaving some workers injured.

Certain threats come with long-term risks. For example, illnesses from asbestos exposure, a material possibly found on some ships, might not manifest until many years later, and the resultant sickness could be mesothelioma cancer. Also, inhaling various fumes in the shipyard might cause respiratory illnesses. Welders experience such risks and may develop cancers. Reports show that electricians could suffer from leukemia.

Workers may be employed in an environment that presents incredible health risks and never realize the dangers. Questions about whether the employer-provided sufficient warning may come up in potential litigation. Employers who do not provide adequate safety equipment or poorly maintained tools or gear might be guilty of negligence. Problems with tools could contribute to anything from electrical shocks to slip-and-fall injuries, severe lacerations or punctures. The injuries could be life-altering or even fatal depending on the severity.

A lack of training might contribute to avoidable injuries. Did the employer invest the necessary time explaining ways to prevent falls or electrical mishaps? Was the provided training adequate? Employers who fail to provide necessary safety training could be negligent in their duties.

Some river work injury incidents may lead to lawsuits. Any worker injured due to an employer, co-worker or third-party’s negligence might want to meet with an attorney to learn about compensation. An attorney may review the case and possibly provide insights on how to take legal action.