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The different types of help for car accident victims

On Behalf of | Aug 6, 2020 | Personal Injury

Car accident damages are vital for car accident victims to be able to recover compensation for. To do that, victims need to know what types of damages may be available to help them and how they can seek them when needed.

Medical expenses and future medical care costs

Injured car accident victims can face mounting medical costs during a difficult time for them personally. Personal injury legal protections can help ensure injured victims are not left facing all of their medical care expenses alone. Through a claim for damages, injured car accident victims may be able to recover compensation for their medical costs and bills. At the same time, depending on the anticipated future impact of their injuries, victims may also be able to recover compensation for future medical care expenses. Depending on the nature of the victim’s injuries, they may also be able to recover compensation for disfigurement and scarring injuries as well.

Lost wages and lost-earning capacity

Another category of personal injury damages protecting injured car accident victims includes lost wages. Victims oftentimes face time away from work while they are recovering from their injuries. Personal injury damages for lost wages may be able to help. Additionally, they may be unable to return to their usual type of work because of their injuries. In these cases, lost-earning capacity damages may be available to car accident victims.

Pain and suffering damages

It is not uncommon for victims of car accidents to suffer emotional trauma associated with a car accident. Pain and suffering damages are intended to help car accident victims with the damages due to the emotional toll an unexpected car accident can take on the lives of victims. Damages for disability may also be available.

A personal injury claim for damages can be brought against a negligent driver who caused the victim’s injuries for compensation of physical, financial and emotional damages. It is important for injured victims to be familiar with these legal protections available to them.