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Distracted driving can cause deadly car accidents

On Behalf of | Aug 17, 2020 | Motor vehicle crashes

These days when Paducah area residents see the aftermath of a car crash on the side of the roadway, they may think of one potential cause right away: distracted driving. This is totally understandable, as by now we are all used to the tell-tale signs of distracted drivers. They correct their position in lanes of traffic suddenly; they stay stopped at traffic lights way after the light has turned green; or we can even see their eyes in their own rearview mirrors – staring down into the phone in their laps instead of watching the roads. There is no doubt about it – distracted driving has been recognized as a serious danger on the roads.

Three types of distracted driving

A recent news article noted that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention actually warns of three different types of distracted driving. The first is “visual” distracted driving, which means that drivers’ eyes are taken off the road, where they need to be. The second type is “manual” distracted driving, which means that drivers’ hands are not on the wheel like they should be. This second type can include distractions such as eating behind the wheel, putting on makeup or attending to the ever-present smartphone, among others.

The third type of distracted driving is “cognitive” in nature. This means that a driver’s focus is on something other than the task of driving the vehicle. These distractions could come from almost anywhere, including a person’s own day-dreams or from conversations with other people in the vehicle, for example.

A minor distraction behind the wheel may seem innocent enough, but the reality is that even a temporary distraction can cause deadly car accidents. Paducah area residents who have been injured by distracted drivers may benefit from exploring their legal options.