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Avoiding common types of motorcycle crashes

On Behalf of | Sep 11, 2020 | Motor vehicle crashes

Kentucky residents might enjoy riding motorcycles both as an affordable form of transportation and for recreation. However, motorcyclists have a greater risk of injury or death when they are involved in accidents. Motorcyclists can take proactive steps to avoid common types of motorcycle crashes.

Common types of motorcycle accidents

While many different things can cause a motorcycle accident, there are several common types that happen more frequently. Some of the most common types of motorcycle collisions include the following:

• Cars turning left across the path of oncoming motorcyclists
• Hitting loose gravel in blind corners
• Entering corners or curves too quickly
• Motorists changing lanes without seeing motorcyclists
• Motor vehicles rear-ending motorcyclists
• Motorcyclists in groups colliding into each other
• Locking up the front brake
• Dooring accidents
• Driving too fast in slick road conditions
• Drunk or drugged driving

How to avoid common types of motorcycle collisions

Like other motorists, motorcyclists should always exercise care and caution when they are traveling on the roads. Many accidents could be avoided by taking simple safety steps. Before motorcyclists ride, they should do a quick check to make sure that everything is in working order. They should check the lights, turn signals, tire tread, air and brakes. If anything needs to be repaired, the repairs should be completed before the motorcycle is taken out on the road.

When motorcyclists are riding, they should keep their attention on the road and other motorists around them at all times. They should watch for cars on side streets that look like they might pull out into traffic. They should also try to avoid riding next to lines of parked vehicles to prevent dooring accidents. Motorcyclists should never drive while impaired, and they should always pay attention to speed limits and traffic laws when they ride.

Many motorcycle crashes are caused by negligent motorists who fail to see motorcyclists riding near to them. People who are seriously injured in motorcycle accidents that result from the negligence of others may want to consult with experienced personal injury lawyers to learn about their rights.