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The dangers of distracted driving

On Behalf of | Jul 8, 2020 | Motor vehicle crashes

Driving requires your full attention regardless of the amount of traffic. But distracted driving can be dangerous and even lead to fatal car accidents. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration found that 2,841 people were killed in accidents involving distracted driving in 2018.

Distracted driving is doing anything that interferes with your ability to focus on the road.  Common distractions include texting and driving, using the phone, playing music loudly, adjusting the vehicle’s stereo or climate controls, talking to a passenger, eating, applying makeup and smoking. Being drunk, drug impaired or fatigued is also distracting.

Smartphones, texting, and social media is increasing and causing more distracted driving accidents. These distractions are not restricted to teenage drivers and older motorists also engage in this behavior. Distracted driving was also held at least partially responsible for the 6,200 pedestrian deaths, a 28 year high, in 2018.

Looking down to text or reading a text for five seconds at 55 mph is the same as driving across a football field without looking at the road, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Distractions impact driving ability because, for example, drivers focusing on a PED may not see someone stop suddenly and their reaction time is delayed.

Multi-tasking and driving also takes way clear situational awareness and the ability to make judgment calls based on complete information. This and delayed reactions can lead to more crashes.

Minimize distractions by putting the phone in a glove box and place it on silent settings. Take frequent breaks or use a friend or rideshare if you become tired.

Before starting your car, take care of the incidentals. Set your temperature controls or prepare music by loading a playlist, podcast or setting a favorite radio station. Eat and do hair and make-up before driving.

Victims of a distracted driving accident can suffer serious injuries. An attorney can help gather evidence and pursue a lawsuit for compensation.